Sourav Chakraborty's directorial political thriller web series Abar Rajneeti, starring Ditipriya Roy, Kaushik Ganguly, Koneenica Banerjee, Arjun Chakrabarty, Aniruddha Gupta, Madhurima Basak, Shyamal Chakraborty, Srabanti Bhattacharya, and Debojyoti Roychowdhury in the lead roles, premiered on Hoichoi on May 24, 2024.
After the death of Rathin Banerjee (Kaushik Ganguly), the internal conflict in the Banerjee family increases. Dr. Debojit (Aniruddha Gupta), who provided treatment to Rashi during her memory loss, reaches out to Rashi to inform her of the truth.
Rashi (Ditipriya Roy) is pregnant, but her relationship with her husband, Sounak (Arjun Chakrabarty), is weakening day by day. Sounak is in a relationship with his office colleague, Shreya (Madhurima Basak).
Mallika Banerjee (Koneenica Banerjee) is preparing herself to win the election, and against her, there is a new candidate from the opposition named Jimmy (Debojyoti Roy Chowdhury), who is an actor. Rajeshwar (Shyamal Chakraborty), Sougata, and Mallika are the three major pillars of the Lokmanya Party, and Mallika is considered the favorite to win this election.
Suddenly, Rathin Banerjee's brother Pratim Banerjee (Kaushik Ganguly) arrives at the Banerjee house to meet Mallika. Why did Pratim Banerjee come back during the election of Rijpur? Will Rashi and Sounak's relationship improve in the future?
Koneenica Banerjee as Mallika is the standout performer of Abar Rajneeti. Her character got better space and depth in season 2 compared to season 1, and she utilized it perfectly. The way she leads the Lokmanya Party from the front is praiseworthy. The scene where she threatens Rajeshwar and Sougata is particularly noteworthy.
Ditipriya Roy impressed in season 1, but the writing of her character Rashi was very poor this season. Kaushik Ganguly looks okay as Pratim Banerjee. His character mainly suffers due to poor writing, and the emotional angle did not look organic due to the absence of relevant events from the past.
Aniruddha Gupta as Dr. Debojit impresses even with limited screen presence. Arjun Chakrabarty as Sounak provided a good performance too. Shyamal Chakraborty, Srabanti Bhattacharya, and Debojyoti Roychowdhury also provided valuable contributions with their respective characters. Madhurima Basak had little to do in the script to show her potential.
Sourav Chakraborty is no doubt one of the most talented directors in the OTT space since his success with Rajneeti Season 1 and recently with Chemistry Mashi. With Abar Rajneeti, he continues his successful run. Though he misses giving some more focus on a few characters, especially Rashi and Pratim Banerjee, the overall execution was praiseworthy.
Amit Bose and Yash Gupta’s music and background score are the other major highlights of this series, perfectly complementing the engaging narrative. Rajneeti Season 1 set high expectations for the director, which somehow he failed to meet, but overall this is an engaging show on Hoichoi that you can add to your watch list.
The way the series ended suggests a high possibility of Rajneeti Season 3 around next year's election time, where we may see the clash between Mallika Banerjee, Jimmy, and Rashi Banerjee. Also, it seems like Debojyoti Roychowdhury's character Jimmy has a strong backstory that brings him to Rijpur to compete against Mallika Banerjee, which we may see in the next season.