On 29th May 2024, Hoichoi unveiled the official trailer of their upcoming web series Gobhir Joler Maach 2. Created by Sahana Dutta, the series stars Swastika Dutta, Ushasi Ray, Ananya Sen, Judhajit Sarkar, Prantik Banerjee, Shoumo Banerjee, Rajdeep Gupta, Arpan Ghosal, Titiksha Das, and Debnath Chatterjee. It will premiere on Hoichoi on 7th June 2024.
The 2-minute and 15-second trailer shows that four friends, Bishakha (Ushasi Ray), Aratrika (Swastika Dutta), Diti (Trina Saha), and Chandrima (Ananya Sen), start a game which takes a drastic turn with Chandrima’s death. This new season will reveal that the husbands of these four friends had a plan long before Bishakha, Aratrika, Diti, and Chandrima thought of executing theirs. Additionally, there will be a mystery surrounding Diti's death.
Titiksha Das is a new addition to the cast this season and will portray the character of Brinda. Debnath Chatterjee will play the investigating officer. The story, screenplay, and dialogues of Gobhir Joler Maach Season 2 have been written by Sahana Dutta. Binit Ranjan Moitra is handling the music composition and the background score. Rabiranjan Maitra is editing the web series, and Pratip Mukherjee is responsible for the cinematography.
Swastika Dutta and Arpan Ghoshal recently appeared in Basanta Ese Gyachhe, while Debnath Chatterjee appeared in Sandip Ray's Nayan Rahasya.
Gobhir Joler Maach Season 2 Cast:
Swastika Dutta, Ushasi Ray, Ananya Sen, Judhajit Sarkar, Prantik Banerjee, Shoumo Banerjee, Rajdeep Gupta, Arpan Ghosal, Titiksha Das, Debnath Chatterjee