On 23rd April 2024, ZEE5 unveiled the official trailer for their upcoming thriller, Paashbalish. Directed by Korok Murmu, the series features Suhotra Mukhopadhyay and Ishaa Saha in the lead roles, with Rishi Kaushik, Saurav Das, Sankar Debnath, and Atmadeep in supporting roles. The series will premiere on 10th May 2024 on ZEE5.
The 2-minute 45-second trailer provides a brief overview of the plot, which revolves around two childhood friends, Babla (Suhotra Mukhopadhyay) and Mampi (Ishaa Saha). They drifted apart due to certain circumstances and reunited after 15 years. While Mampi fails to recognize Babla, he remembers everything about her.
Rishi Kaushik's character is assigned to investigate a bomb explosion and two murders. Saurav Das portrays a Naxal leader. Are Babla and Mampi involved in these murders? What transpired between them 15 years ago?
The on-screen chemistry between Suhotra Mukhopadhyay and Ishaa Saha is expected to be a major attraction of the series. They previously worked together in Indu and "Indu 2," winning audiences' love for their performances. The trailer editing is impressive, and the background score is captivating.
Suhotra Mukhopadhyay's character appears to be quite different from the roles he has portrayed earlier in his career. Ishaa Saha was last seen in "Ektu Sore Bosun" and will also be featured in films like "Asukh Bisukh" and "Oporichito."
Given Korok Murmu’s previous directorial projects, such as "Sundarbaner Vidyasagar," "Gentlemen," "Khyapa," and "Khyapa 4," we can expect an engaging series.
Rishi Kaushik recently delivered a solid performance in Ankush Hazra’s Mirza. Saurav Das will also be featured in Jeet’s Boomerang. Suhotra Mukhopadhyay will additionally appear in "Dakghor 2" and Srijit Mukherji’s "Shotyi Bole Shotyi Kichhu Nei."