On 19th April 2024, Surinder Films unveiled the official trailer for their upcoming detective thriller, Nayan Rahasya. Directed by Sandip Ray, the film stars Indraneil Sengupta as Feluda, Ayush Das as Topse, and Abhijit Guha as Jatayu. Mohan Agashe, Shubhrajit Dutta, Bharat Kaul, Rajesh Sharma, Abhinav Barua, Biswajit Chakraborty, Debnath Chatterjee, Supriya Dutta, Punya Darshan Gupta, and Atmadeep Ghosh will be seen in supporting roles.
The 2-minute trailer begins with a magic show where the magician presents a wonder child, Jyotishko, also known as Nayan (Abhinav Barua). The magician randomly selects an audience member and asks Jyotishko how much money that person has with them at the moment, to which he correctly responds.
Upon learning about Nayan’s power, a group of gangsters kidnaps him. Now, Feluda, Jatayu, and Topse will travel to Chennai to save Nayan. Will Feluda be able to rescue Nayan from the impending danger?
Indraneil Sengupta’s dialogue delivery, expressions, ability to clearly convey the Bengali accent, and his character presentation do not quite capture the essence of Feluda. We will have to wait and see whether audiences will embrace this Feluda, Jatayu, and Topse combination again, as they did with their earlier successful venture, Hatyapuri.
The story is based on Satyajit Ray’s "Nayan Rahasya." Sandip Ray has also written the screenplay and composed the music for "Nayan Rahasya." Sasanko Palit is responsible for the cinematography, Subrata Roy has edited the film, and Ananda Addhya is the art director. The film, produced by Surinder Films Pvt Ltd, will hit theaters on 10th May 2024, clashing with Pathikrit Basu’s Dabaru. The makers unveiled the official poster on 13th April 2024.