The story revolves around Lakkhi Ratan Burma (Ranjit Mallick), who joins as Officer in charge at Kalinarayanpur police station to curb criminal activities and protect the local people from thieves and police brutality. Will Lakkhi Ratan Burma succeed in his mission?
The presence of two versatile actors, Ranjit Mallick and Kharaj Mukherjee, was the primary reason for me, like many others, to go to theaters to watch Daroga Mamur Kirti.
However, despite their talent, the film suffers from a weak plot, making it seem like director Nehal Dutta rushed the production. The casting of Ayaan and Prantika Das was particularly surprising, as their roles added nothing to the story, and both delivered forgettable performances.
There isn't a single moment in the film that justifies the investment in seeing these stars on screen. Time and talent have been squandered. My earnest request to directors is not to bring such outdated content to theaters when there are plenty of OTT platforms where family audiences can watch such content.