On 4th March 2024, Cinemawala unveiled the official trailer of their upcoming murder mystery, Omar. Mohammad Mostafa Kamal Raz directs this thriller. The cast includes Sariful Razz, Nasir Uddin Khan, and Fazlur Rahman Babu in the lead roles, with Shahiduzzaman Selim, Darshana Banik, Arfan Mredha Shiblu, Rosey Siddique, and Abu Hurayra Tanvir in supporting roles.
The 3-minute trailer provides a brief overview of the story, which revolves around the murder of Shahiduzzaman Selim’s son. The police team arrives to investigate and identifies Sariful Razz and Nasir Uddin Khan as the prime suspects.
In a tough situation, Nasir Uddin Khan confesses to the crime and informs the police about the location of the body. However, when the police search the specified location, they cannot find the body. Who is the real killer? Will the police team be able to catch the murderer?
The trailer edit has not been up to the mark, as it reveals a lot about the plot of "Omar". Fazlur Rahman Babu will portray an interesting role in this film. Darshana Banik appears in an item song, and Abu Hurayra Tanvir will be seen in a crucial role as well.
The sound design by Ripon Nath looks impressive in the trailer. Sariful Razz, Nasir Uddin Khan, and Fazlur Rahman Babu’s characters will be the major attractions of this film, which is set to be released on Eid Ul Fitr.