On 7th April 2024, Tiger Media unveiled the official trailer for the upcoming mystery thriller Lipstick. Directed by Kamruzzaman Roman, the thriller stars Ador Azad, Puja Cherry, and Shahiduzzaman Selim in the lead roles, with Misha Sawdagar, Nader Chowdhury, Borda Mithu, and Shiblu Mredha in supporting roles.
The nearly 3-minute trailer begins with the murders of two people associated with the film industry. Shahiduzzaman Selim plays the investigating officer who, after the initial investigation, finds a link between the murders and lipstick. Actress Madhuri, portrayed by Puja Cherry, becomes his prime suspect. However, his wife suspects him of having an affair with Madhuri.
Madhuri’s driver, Atar Ali, portrayed by Ador Azad, is willing to do anything to keep Madhuri safe. There is a romantic backstory between Madhuri and Atar Ali. Who is the serial killer? Why has Atar Ali become Madhuri’s driver?
The trailer looks gripping, but the editing has not been up to the mark as it reveals a lot about the plot. Misha Sawdagar, who plays a crucial role in the film, also appeared in the trailer. Shouquat Ali Imon and Imon Chowdhary’s music will be another major aspect of this film. The film marks the maiden collaboration between Puja Cherry and Kamruzzaman Roman.
The story, screenplay, and dialogues of the film have been written by Abdullah Zahir Babu. Saiful Islam Sahin is responsible for the cinematography. MD Kalam has edited the film, D H Chonnu is the action director, and Shah Aayan Khan is the VFX Supervisor. The film is produced by Cleopatra Films and will hit theaters on Eid Ul Fitr.
Puja Cherry will also be featured in upcoming films like "Masud Rana," "Maya," and "Cash." Shahiduzzaman Selim will also appear in upcoming films such as "Omar," "Pulsirat," and "Anando Ashru." Misha Sawdagar will also be featured in Anonno Mamun’s Dorod. Kamruzzaman Roman’s next film includes "Mona: Jinn-2."