Dadur Kirti (2024) On Hoichoi Review: Rahool Mukherjee’s Impressive Storytelling on OTT Debut

Rahool Mukherjee's directorial family drama web series, Dadur Kirti, starring Paran Bandopadhyay, Satyam Bhattacharya, Srijla Guha, Anasua Majumder, Chandreyee Ghosh, Kanchan Mullick, Shantilal Mukherjee, Rwitobroto Mukherjee, Jaayati Chakraborty, Tanishka Tiwari, Soham Maitra, Durbar Sharma, Avery Singha Roy, and Ayan Bhattacharjee, premiered on Hoichoi on 29th March 2024. The series comprises 6 episodes, with each episode running for approximately 25 minutes.

Satinath Chowdhury (Paran Bandopadhyay) and Sandhya Chowdhury (Anasua Majumder) are feeling the absence of their children and grandchildren. Except for their youngest son, Nikhilesh (Durbar Sharma), none of them stay with them anymore. Satinath Chowdhury seeks the help of Rafique (Satyam Bhattacharya), the caretaker of Chowdhury House, to create a video expressing his grief over their absence.

After watching the video, the eldest son, Mrinal aka Minu (Shantilal Mukherjee), along with his wife Debika (Jaayati Chakraborty) and their children, Saikat (Rwitobroto Mukherjee) and Srijita (Tanishka Tiwari), the eldest daughter, Haimanti Chowdhury Mukherjee (Chandreyee Ghosh), with her husband Siddhartha Mukherjee (Kanchan Mullick) and their children, Pritha (Srijla Guha) and Polash (Soham Maitra), and the youngest daughter, Binodini (Avery Singha Roy), with her husband Parijat (Ayan Bhattacharjee), arrive at Chowdhury House.

Satinath Chowdhury and Sandhya Chowdhury called a family meeting to announce that they will distribute the property and other assets equally among their four children. He also reveals the existence of hidden treasures in Chowdhury House left behind by Satinath’s father, accompanied by a few clues. Who will inherit the hidden treasures? Will the family members decide to stay back at Chowdhury House?

Rahool Mukherjee excels in creating effective family emotions, as evidenced once again in Dadur Kirti. Having left a strong impression with his storytelling in his big-screen directorial debut, Kishmish, starring Dev, there were high expectations for his OTT debut. He manages to meet most of these expectations.

Rahool Mukherjee gives ample focus to developing each crucial character and building relationships among them, keeping the audience engaged. The director also incorporates a Naxalite angle and a touch of horror to prevent the constant family emotions from becoming monotonous.

Paran Bandopadhyay, Chandreyee Ghosh, Shantilal Mukherjee, and Satyam Bhattacharya dominate the screen presence and deliver commendable performances. Kanchan Mullick, Srijla Guha, Jaayati Chakraborty, and Durbar Sharma also make significant contributions with their performances. However, Anasua Majumder, Rwitobroto Mukherjee, Avery Singha Roy, and Ayan Bhattacharjee’s characters don't have enough scope to showcase their potential fully.

The series boasts several well-developed subplots. Notable relationships include the bond between Paran Bandopadhyay and Satyam Bhattacharya, the sibling relationship between Chandreyee Ghosh and Shantilal Mukherjee, the marital bond of Shantilal Mukherjee and Jaayati Chakraborty, as well as the relationships between Paran Bandopadhyay & Anasua Majumder and Chandreyee Ghosh & Kanchan Mullick. Each of these relationships is portrayed with a mix of happy and sad moments, presented brilliantly.

The on-screen chemistry between Satyam Bhattacharya and Srijla Guha is decent. The series takes a dramatic turn from the 4th episode when the true colors of the family relationships begin to emerge. The conversations among Chandreyee Ghosh, Kanchan Mullick, and Srijla Guha in the 4th episode are particularly noteworthy.

The dialogue writing stands out as one of the strongest aspects of this web series. Nilayan Chatterjee’s music composition and the background score by Soumyadeep and Subhadeep are other major highlights. Madhura Palit’s cinematography is commendable, while Sumit has done a decent job with the editing.

Dadur Kirti on Hoichoi, directed by Rahool Mukherjee, is worth watching for its engaging story, solid performances, and praiseworthy music & background score.

Dadur Kirti Web Series Poster

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